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4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether

CAS # 101-55-3

Struktur und Eigenschaften der Verbindung

Die obigen Daten stammen aus: ChemSpider


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Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy-; Ether, p-bromophenyl phenyl; p-(Phenoxy)bromobenzene; p-Bromodiphenyl ether; p-Bromophenoxybenzene; p-Bromophenyl phenyl ether; Diphenyl ether, 4-bromo-; Ether, 4-bromophenyl phenyl; Phenyl ether, 4-bromo-; 1-Bromo-4-phenoxybenzene; 4-Bromodiphenyl ether; 4-Bromophenoxybenzene; 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether; p-Bromphenyl phenyl ether; p-Phenoxyphenyl bromide; BDE 3; PBDE 3


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